Frequently Asked Questions
  1. What is Awakening about?

    Awakening is a value education program for primary school children from Class 1 to Class 5. The Program aims to prepare young minds to adopt certain noble values in their lives voluntarily and thereby respond to life’s challenges better.

  2. What is the need for Awakening?

    Encouraged by the positive feedback received for Awakened Citizen Program, educationists have requested Ramakrishna Mission, Delhi to develop a program for young children. It was felt that a right orientation will prepare the ground for young minds to choose wisely and assimilate values easily, when they reach adolescence. It is intended to be a feeder to Awakened Citizen Program for middle school children.

  3. Has Awakening been launched?

    Awakening is in advanced stages of development and is intended to be launched very soon. The pilot of the program is being conducted in different schools all over India to study the response and feedbacks are being collected from a diverse group of beneficiaries.

  4. Is Awakening secular in its approach?

    The program is human-centered and revolves around values that are inclusive and globally accepted as essential to empower individuals to be the best version of themselves by identifying their strengths and working upon their weaknesses. The content and the methodology of the program are free from any religious learning. Children from any religious background can benefit from the program.

  5. What is the modus operandi of Awakening? Does it preach moral values/ code of conduct?

    Awakening is not designed to preach socially prevalent moral code of conduct among students. It rather intends to strengthen the core character of every human being. Morality is subject to space and time and differs from one society to another but when the character of an individual is strengthened, such a person will respond responsibly to any external situation or challenge.

  6. What is the methodology of the program?

    Schools who register for the program, will send their teachers to be trained in the ideal way to help children assimilate values. This will be through a half-day workshop. Detailed Facilitators’ manual will be provided free of charge.

  7. How will the program be implemented?

    Schools will have to allot 20 periods of around 40 minutes each, in each of the 5 years (Class 1 -5). School teachers, who have been trained by the Awakening Team, will conduct the classes. The Awakening Team will hand hold them in this process.

  8. Is the Program available in different languages?

    Initially, it will be available in English and Hindi.

  9. Is the program chargeable?

    The program is offered totally free of charge. No costs shall be incurred upon any institute that chooses to run the program.

  10. Who are the stakeholders for the program?

    All citizens of India are our stakeholders. Special focus is on young children of Primary School, Primary School teachers, managements of Schools and parents.

  11. How is parental support important for the program?

    Parental support is of utmost importance in the journey of this Program. Parents are encouraged to attend special online parenting sessions and also participate in the on-line pilot pragmas of Awakening along with their wards. Their feedbacks will be invaluable. Parents are also requested to observe if they notice the behavioral change in their wards through the journey of this program.